It is still embarrassing to see that first picture, knowing that I looked like that! I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until someone posted that pic on Facebook after my son's birthday party. I felt awful, I had no energy, and I was miserable. I ate terrible food and I was too insecure to be seen at the gym. gross!
I promised myself I would make a change, that I would never be that woman again, and guess what? I'M NOT!! The second picture was taken one year after the first and even 3 years later I'm still seeing results! I have waaaaay more energy now, I feel sexier, stronger and healthier.
Even if it seems hopeless, you've tried everything, or you're afraid it won't work for you..... I can help you. I've been there. I know what it takes and I have made it my job to help you get healthy. You don't have to be skinny or look like a Victoria's Secret model to feel sexy! It's about being strong, healthy and confident. It's about adding years to your life and feeling good! If you don't believe me, ask my family, my team of women who have ALL done it! We're in this together.... ARE YOU IN? What's stopping you? What do you have to lose? When is it the right time?
Bikini Countdown: T-Minus 32 Days.....
Do you have a swimsuit, dress, pair of pants, etc. sitting in your closet TAUNTING you? Wouldn't you love to put it on and feel GOOD?
This is my "itty bitty bikini" that I bought last year. I wore it once or twice and felt RIDICULOUS! Not this year! We have 32 days until summer begins, and I will ROCK this swimsuit! I want to challenge you to find your "goal clothes" and get them out. Take a picture of the one thing you've been dying to fit, post it on my Facebook Page and join my Countdown to Summer challenge! We can do this together! A month from now you'll be sooo happy you did!
21 Day Fix approved Strawberry Coconut Cheesecake Shakeology
My First Blog Post EVER!!!

Happy May Day and welcome to my blog!!! I am so excited to get this started. I've been a little nervous about getting going, honestly, because I was afraid I wouldn't have anything to say!
We are in such a great point in our lives right now, so I want to use this medium to share not only my health/fitness coaching business with you, but a little of my personal life as well. It's such an awesome spring day here; The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and the kids are running around outside with the chickens and lambies!
I just wanted to use this post to say hello! I have sooo much I can't wait to show/tell you all, so let's get started! I will be posting my first yummy healthy recipe later this evening! Here we go!!!